Susquehanna Bonsai Club

The premiere bonsai club of south-central Pennsylvania

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Hershey Gardens Bonsai Display – Susquehanna Bonsai Club

This years Hershey Garden Bonsai Exhibit has come and gone!

 This year’s exhibit ran from October 11 through November 9. Historically, this has been a very popular exhibit with the Hershey Garden’s visitors and is a great way to introduce the public to the Susquehanna Bonsai Club and was once again this year. As in prior years, visitors to the exhibit were encouraged to vote for their favorite tree and SBC will be offering recognition awards to the three top entries. The exhibit was held in the Butterfly house as before and was such a beautiful and great setting to display some excellent bonsai. So if you didn’t have a chance to visit the Hershey Gardens Bonsai Exhibit this year or you would like to remember how great it was, just click on the first image of the photo gallery and enjoy!

As always, The Susquehanna Bonsai Club appreciates all its viewers and visitors to our site! If you are local and have an interest in bonsai please stop by one of the clubs events and check us out! Thanks again!!

On a side note – The local news station, WGAL, did a great write-up about The Susquehanna Bonsai Club and its exhibit at Hershey Gardens. Check out what they had to say and what a few of the club members had to say during their interviews. Click on the provided link to view the article :